(Booking is essential at list two weeks in advance)
Making the dough manually
Our complete pizza course will take you from hobbyist pizza maker all the way to be a fine pizza-maker or buon pizzaiolo. Divided up into three levels, you can decide how high up on the pizza career ladder you want to be. Finish one level, you’ll be all set for using professional equipment and baking Italian-style pizzas perfectly. But if you finish all three levels, you will have learned everything you need to work in a pizza shop and will have perfected the art of making the perfect pizza, from kneading the dough to presentation. Classes are available only for adults.
Total pizza course guarantees: after finishing all three levels, come back to practice for free!DVD “School for Pizza”, for $35.00. All students will get a job referral to send them off into the job market.
Duration of the course is three days, and more sessions of practice free during lunch or dinner period. We offer bed and breakfast accommodation near the school for both domestic and interstate students. Accommodation is priced at $350 for the duration of the course.
Booking is required. Please contact us by phone for the date and confirmation of your class.
Note: You can also pay by cash when you commencing your class and you will receive a discount of $50.00 of the total cost $1,050.00 , paying $1,000.00
This course is available on line, please contact us.
(Italian) Questo corso e’ disponibile on line, contattaci .
Making “Palline” , portions.
A booking is valid only when a deposit of $100.00 is made, two weeks before commencing the course, the balance to be payed on the first class, please contact us via phone if you have any queries , business hours on 03 93292599 .
A cancellation penalty of $95.00 will apply, if you don’t attend the class without advising us 24 hours before.
Cost of the Course is $1,000.50
Pricing: | ||
Level 1 | $350.00 | |
Level 2 | $350.00 | |
Level 3 | $350.00 | |
All three levels (bulk discount of $50.00) | $1000.00 |
Level 1
- Making a dough manually; Fare l’impasto manualmente
- Cutting and preparation of toppings; Tagliare tutta la linea degli ingredienti
- Mixing ingredients correctly for perfect dough for two different style of dough, the organic or the napoli style; Mescolare i dosaggi degli ingredienti per lo stile d’impasto organico o stile napoletano.
- How to make each pizza on the menu; Come fare ogni pizza descritta nel menu
- Using/setting the oven to the right temperature; Usare la giusta temperatura per la cottura ideale della pizza
- Cleaning and maintenance of the equipment; Pulire l’attrezzatura usata durante la lavorazione.
- Job referral information; Referenza da poter usare nel vostro CV
Level 2
- Valuable experience to become assistant to a pizza master; Accorgimenti da poter usare come assistente pizzaiolo.
- Using different combinations of ingredients for the pizza base; Conoscenza nell’usare diversi ingrediente nella preparazione della pizza.
- Perfecting timing for preparation and cooking; Perfezzionare il tempo di lavoro durante la stesura e cottura.
- Mixing pre-cooked ingredients; Come mescolare alcuni ingredienti e precuocerli prima di aggiungerli nella pizza.
- Creating your own pizza; Creazione di una vostra pizza ideale.
- Pizza art techniques and presentation; La tecnica da usare nella stesura e presentazione.
Level 3
- Operating an electric mixer dough; Fare l’impasto usando l’impastatrice elettrica con cestello rimovibile o non.
- Managing and presentation of your pizza bar and menu ; Come gestirte la presentazione del vostro pizza bar e del menu.
- Adding and choosing more ingredients to basic pizza dough; Aggiungere e scegliere altri ingredienti alla pizza.
- Perfecting the art of creating unique pizzas; Perfezionamento dell’arte di creare una pizza unica.
- Using and learning different techniques for electric and gas ovens; Imparare ad usare con diverse tecniche i forni a gas o elettrici.
- Creating pizzas with four different quarters; Creare una pizza che abbia quattro quarti differenti.
- Learning and working as a team in a pizza shop; Imparare a lavorare come squadra in una pizzeria.
- Working fast and tidy on your preparation table; Lavorare velocemente e ordinatamente nel vostro banco di lavoro.
- Perfect presentation of any pizza; Perfezionare la presentazione di ogni pizza
- Creating your own menus and designs; Creare il proprio menu e disposizione.